justanotherinternetguy's conlang hub

this is where you can find all my work regarding on my conlangs


  • Helkisan is the main conlang i am working on right now. It is loosely supposed to be a natlang, but my main focus is adding what i like in a conlang. it feels more like a personal lang, really.
  • helkisan main pdf - not very organized, i will publish a final manuscript once i feel like i am happy with a v0.1

conlang club @ my hs

  • i currently run a conlang club at my school. we meet biweekly to discuss linguistics, conlangs, and make our own club conlang. i will post whiteboard images from each meeting as well as a final manuscript once we are complete.
  • you can click on the images below to see whiteboard images from each day. they are orderedd chronologically from left to right.